Claire de Santa Coloma
Opening : March 11, 2017 – from 4 to 8 pm
Exhibition : from March 18 to April 29, 2017
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La pause est une variété de mouvement accumulé
Opening : March 11, 2017 – from 4 to 8 pm
Exhibition : from March 18 to April 29, 2017
“Pause is a variety of accumulated movement,” said Ossip E. Mandelstam in his analysis as he followed Dante Alighieri’s path during his Italian exile. That path is what, many years later, brought the Italian poet, writer and political figure to write The Divine Comedy.
The work of Claire de Santa Coloma brings together the characteristics of the notion of “pause” as described by Mandelstam. By staying still and observing her works at length, by lingering with them, by taking that time, we come to fully embrace what each one encompasses. Shade and luminosity, or surface and time spent for every strike of the hollow chisel.
The artist’s work involves notions of space, of an organic and ephemeral quality, but also of the link between concrete and abstract worlds. Her practice is a perfect example of a contemporary individual mythology. Santa Coloma does not merely create objects, she produces benchmark constellations within which the constitutive elements are particularly showcased.
The works shown at Galerie Virginie Louvet include sculptures and works on paper. The approach on the latter questions the use of time, of repetition, as well as the frugality of gestures and means. We have pieces here in which the language used to express their artistic essence has been lost. With the elaboration of a non-stylized image, there is a will for a piece to elaborate itself through its own style, like a silent voice – the voice of the present.
Born in 1983 à Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Lives and works in Lisbon, Portugal.
2010 «Spannning the Ocean(s)», seminary of the Independent Study Program ( Maumaus) at São Paulo Biennal, Ibirapuera Park, center of the 29th Saõ Paulo Biennal, Brazil. Directed by Maria Thereza Alvez, Awam Amkpa, Jimmie Durham, Renée Grenn, Salah M.Hassan, Javier Anguera Phipps, Suely Rolnik, Manuela Ribeiro Sanches and Gertrud Sandqvist
2009-2010 Independant Study Program, Maumaus School of Visual Arts, Lisbon, Portugal
Seminaries and artists workshops, curators and/or art critics, among whom Judith Barry, Dirk Snauwaert, Renée Green, Manuela Ribeiro Sanchez, Ângela Fer-reira, Maria Thereza Alves, Gertrud Sandqvist, Christoph Korn, Helmut Draxler, Da- id Claerbout, Marcel Stoetzler, John Akomfrah, Olav Christopher Jenssen and Ellen Blumenstein
2002-2007 Licence et Master de Recherche en Arts Plastiques. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
2003-2007 Atelier des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris (centre Glacière), Paris, France. Workshop spécialized in taille directe, by Sylvie Lejeune.
1993-2002 Taller del Patio, sculpture workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017 La pause est une variété de mouvement accumulé, Galerie Virginie Louvet, France
3+1 Arte Contemporânea, Lisbon, Portugal
2016 Lo que se ve no se pregunta, Porta 14, Lisbon, Portugal
2014 Practical Guide for Making A Basic Wood Sculpture, 3+1 Contemporary Art, Lisbon, Portugal
2012 A ordem Complexa, Gallery Progetti, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2011 A escassez nos salvará da catástrofe, 3+1 Arte Contemporânea, Lisbon, Portugal
Claire de Santa Coloma, Un Globo Rojo, Córdoba, Argentina
2010 A experiência da Medida, Carpe Diem Arte&Pesquisa, Lisbon, Portugal
2015 D’un rio que per y corre de que seu nom digo, Fórum Cultural Transfronteiriço, Alandroal, Portugal
Excusa Argumental, MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural Fenosa), La Coruña, Spain. Curated by Ignacio García Gomez del Valle
2014 «TATU : Futebol, adversidade e cultura na caatinga», MAR-Museo de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazill. Curated by Paulo Herkenhoff and Eduardo Frota
Do Barroco ao Barroca, Está a Arte Contemporánea, Casa-Museu Guerra Junqueiro, Porto. Curated by Maria Fátima Lambert
2013 Bienal de Arte joven Buenos Aires, Ciudad Cutural Konex, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Do Barroco ao Barroca, Está a Arte Contemporánea, 17th Bienal de Cerveira, Portugal. Curated by Fátima Lambert and Lourenço Egreja
Geografía Portátil, MUMU, Córdoba, Argentina, Curated by Antonia Gaeta
2014 Claire de Santa Coloma, Practical Guide for Making a Basic Sculpture, Lisbon, 2014
2013 Claire de Santa Coloma, Uma História da Forma, Lisbon, 2013
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