Camille Ayme
Opening reception: Saturday, 30 April from 3 to 8pm
Exhibition: April 30 – June 15, 2016
Press and Events

Exhibition : 30 April – 15 June2016
Opening : Saturday 30 April, 2016 from 3pm to 8pm
Virginie Louvet Gallery is pleased to present Camille Ayme’s first solo show.
Camille Ayme, who holds degrees from the Paris La Villette School of architecture and Paris-Cergy Art School, has been working consistently around the components of today’s urban environment and mobility.
Sedimentalism is an installation blending fossil energies and nostalgia, a generational portrait spanning France and North America in which roads turn into walls and wheels into writing implements.
- An accidental fire spreads through the mines of Centralia, Pennsylvania. Sales of muscle cars explode in the United States.
- Oil crisis.
- The last mine well shuts down in the Lyon/St Étienne region (bassin Stéphanois). Birth of Camille at Clinique Michelet in St Étienne. The underground fire in Centralia has been burning for 21 years. Expropriation of the inhabitants.
- Launching of CK One unisex perfume. In the schoolyard at St Louis junior high, girls grieve the death of Kurt Cobain.
- Lady Di dies in a car accident. Camille starts skating, using a Powell Peralta board. James Cameron receives and Oscar for Titanic.
- Centralia looses its zip code and its status as a town. The ASSE [A.S. St Étienne team] is relegated in second division.
- Camille travels to Centralia in the middle of July, along her first NYC-LA crossing.
Extraction and combustion are at the core of this show, questioning simultaneously the ecological and physical impact of human activity on nature. Our positioning is at ground level, with the civilized tar covering. But signs of the underground fire rise through the cracks, and the past always returns in the exhalation of a perfume.
The photograph “Hélène, Centralia” shows a blond girl in short shorts, sitting over a broad crack in an American road top. The luxuriant vegetation and brightness of the sun detract from the catastrophic aspect of the place. Here, black is already turning to green. The writing on the road adds to the eerie feeling. The road turns into a wall, creating a most striking representation of modern ruin as touristic attraction.
The signs on the ground, whether from the wheels of a skateboard or those of a 1983 BMW 318 are the manifestation of constructive boredom. Far from the waves of Redondo Beach, Ashes to Ashes is an oil spill, a coal-like wave frozen against the white wall where it is hung, with the hollowed tracks of an unseen skater.
The abandoned car wreck in What Else Is There (a sculpture made from a 1964 Chevrolet Corvair) sits at the entrance of the gallery and reminds us of the old days of muscle cars and Friday night rallyes, when gas cost 36 cents a gallon and you read maps spread out on the hood of your car.
Camille Ayme was born in 1983. She lives and works between Paris and Saint-Etienne
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Camille Ayme
Born in 1983 in Saint-Etienne, France
Lives and works in Paris and Saint-Etienne, France.
2012 Master in art, DNSEP, ENSAPC, Cergy-Pontoise, France
2010 Architect diploma DE, research mention, ENSAPLV, Paris, France
2016 Sedimentalism, Galerie Virginie Louvet, Paris, France
2015 Here With Me, Galerie Ygrec, Paris, France
2013 Salton Sea, Musée Albert Kahn, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
2016 A Great Event Is In The Making. But No One Has Noticed, Intelligentsia Gallery, Pékin, Chine Superfetish, Ying Space, Pékin, Chine
The Materialist Postscript, Galerie Philine Cremer, Düsseldorf, Allemagne
2015 Embassies, Refugees, Manifestoes, Proyecto Casamaria, Montevideo, Uruguay
0.10, Unicorn Center for Art, Pékin, Chine
Paper Manifestoes II, The Factory, Pékin, Chine
60ème Salon de Montrouge, salon d’art contemporain, Montrouge, France
Twisted Modernist Fantasies, Intelligentsia Gallery, Pékin, Chine
The Sublime Object, Star Gallery, Pékin, Chine
Tu nais, Tuning, Tu meurs, Biennale du Design, Saint-Etienne, France
2014 The Map and the Territory, Intelligentsia Gallery, Pékin, Chine
Hermeneutics of a room, Intelligentsia Gallery, Pékin, Chine
2013 Beyond the Ornament, LX Factory – Triennale d’architecture, Lisbonne, Portugal
2012 57ème Salon de Montrouge, salon d’art contemporain, Montrouge, France
2011 Dysfonctionnements, installation, Les Instants Chavirés, Montreuil, France
2011 Via cinéma, installation, ENSAPLV, Paris, France
2014/15 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
2013 Winner of the Delano-Aldrich grant, American Institute of Architects (A.I.A)
Tu nais, Tuning, Tu meurs, exhibition catalogue, Biennial of Design, Saint Etienne, France2015
Un arrière-goût de paradis, exhibition catalogue, Musée Albert Kahn, Bernard Chauveau edition, Paris, 2013
Carhenge ou la fin d’un rêve américain, essai + photographies, Garagisme Magazine, Issue 3, 2013
L’absence du conducteur, Garagisme Magazine, Issue 2, 2012
Catalogue of the 57th Salon de Montrouge, éd. Particules, Texte de Lise Guehenneux, Mai 2012