Antoine Carbonne
Opening reception: Saturday, 3 September from 12 to 8pm
Exhibition: September 3 – October 15, 2016
Press and Events

Inner Landscapes
Opening : Saturday September 3rd from 12pm to 8pm
Exhibition : September 3rd to October 8th, 2016
Like Hernan Bas or even Jules de Balincourt, Antoine Carbonne paints from photographs, even though in this instance he seems to be moving away in part from his pictorial research, by using pictures found on social networks or just “borrowed” from friends – extending the subjective point of view to some sort of collective “I”.
In this way, he takes an interest in mass phenomena, common interests, the ever faster, ever broader sharing of personal experience, and an every day experience common to all yet specific to each individual. Far from classically linear visions, his sceneries become internal viewpoints of what makes up a certain collective thinking.
In this research process – where, precisely, a purely personal exploration is no more – Antoine Carbonne uses the studio as an observation turret, the catalyst of that common spirit he tests on his canvases, a frame at once circumscribed and porous to shared elements, intertwined and transcending space; as in Room with a view (L’Atelier Rouge) – a deliberate reference to Matisse – in which the landscape seems to set fire to an area interspersed with objects set there for the purpose of triggering a form of introspection, the emergence of an internal world.
Antoine Carbonne, who was runner-up for the Prix Antoine Martin 2016, now presents at Galerie Virginie Louvet a new series of paintings that are bridges between a more observational production and the very personal, dreamlike, fantasy world that colors all of his works.
Antoine Carbonne was born in 1987 in Paris, France. He lives and works in Brussels, Belgium.
Galerie Virginie Louvet – 48 rue Chapon 75003 Paris – +33 1 42 71 97 48
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