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3 Collectionneurs, autrement #3

Opening April, Saturday 16th from 4 to 8pm in presence of the collectors.

Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th: open from 10 am to 6pm 

Until May 21st: visits on appointment: info@nullete78.com

The 3rd edition of «3 Collectionneurs, autrement » will take place at  Eté 78 from Saturday, April 16th until Sunday,  May 22nd 2016.

For its 1st edition, in 2014, works from Herman Daled, Marc Remacle and Christophe Veys collections were exhibited. For its 2nd edition, in 2015, Dominique Capart, Reyn van der Lugt and Joseph Kouli had shown a part of their collections.

For this 3rd edition, we are welcoming three new collectors. This time again these three discreet  art lovers promote a peculiar vision of contemporary art. They are also very implicated in a concrete way to help and support artists.

Francis De Beir is Belgian and owns a remarkable  collection of art, mainly from the 70s and 80s, essentially constituted by Belgian artists. He chose the theme of the mirror for the works shown at Eté 78 : Lili Dujourie, Niek Kemps, J.M Othoniel, Philippe van Loocke and Jan Vercruysse.

François et Odile Huet – Repolt are French and live in Brussels from more than 20 years. Their collection is mainly constituted by  in-situ works realised in their house.  Works that they will exhibit  will form a bridge with their non displaceable works. Jennifer Douzenel, Vincent Dulom, Peter Downsbrough, Elodie Huet, François Morellet, Rebecca Digne will to be discovered.

Gilles Balmet is French and lives in Paris. The youngest of the three collectors is also an artist. He collects in a special way, exchanging his artworks with ones of other artists. He will present  15 works from his beautiful and sensitive collection, and amongst other , Silvia Bachli, Damien Cabanes, Camille Henrot, Achraf Touloub, Marcel Van Eeden, Jens Wolf…