Exhibition : May 27 – July 11, 2020
“Should everything be known, one must always seek […] the divine melody
as it resonates along the transparent rosary of life, day after day”
Dane Rudhyar
Being confronted to the struggles and uncertainties of the world, man has always wanted to know and understand the meaning of life, exploring science, art, philosophy, and religion.
In ancient times, the oracle – messenger of the gods – connected the skies and the earth, acting as a voice between the divine and the mortal. As the legendary Hermes Trismegistus teaches us in the Emerald Tablet, “what is above is like what is below […]”.
Could the universe lie within ourselves? Do we need intermediates with the skies or are we all “stardust”, connected to an infinity each one of us stems from?
Throughout this exhibition, the artist finds inspiration in tarot, astrology, and alchemy to explore man’s role of verticality and connection. In the Tao, man is a force that brings energies and principles together, the manifested and the non-manifested, the visible and the invisible.
In the words of Alejandro Jodorowksy, “tarot is a complete entity”.
In the manner of the oracle of ancient times, Anne Féat Gaiss interrogates this entity, opening a path for the audience to venture down. A common path that raises questions only we, as individuals, will find the answer to.
Isn’t an art piece meant to bring us closer to ourselves? Could the emotion it creates, the interpretation we make of it, our heart drive, be a path to our very own souls?
The tarot series is designed as a reading without an initial question. It only comes with an answer, an energy, the energy of cards we interpret according to forms and colors, through our perception of these creations. The artist does not impose one interpretation, only words and images; everyone has the freedom to claim what they see for themselves.
A title, a sentence, an invitation may become the first page of a book we can write as an omen, lit by the sun or the moon, the light of which is reflected on the copper sheet that adorns most of her pieces.
A look at our own destiny, a reflection of who we are, a meditation on our existence.
This exhibition resonates as a melody of the soul, that of the artist who shows, reveals herself to those who gaze upon her work, in a dialogue of the senses during which the journey to the self might be an actual step toward others.
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